Rent the highest quality silk flowersSwap whenever you want • Free delivery

How it works

All our bouquets are for sale or rent*. If you'd like to rent, here's how it works:

1. Choose your rental bouquet

Select your favorite bouquet - with or without matching vase. Are you unsure which bouquet would look best in your interior? Email a photo to and we'll be happy to help.

2. Place your order

Once you've placed your order, our master florist gets to work. All our bouquets are arranged by him - in the vase of your choice or beautifully wrapped without a vase.

3. Enjoy your blooms

The pre-arranged bouquet is delivered to your home. You pay a fixed amount per month and can keep the flowers as long as you want. Enjoy!

4. Swap your bouquet for a new one

Ready for a new look? Choose a new bouquet and we will create and deliver it for a fixed fee of €17.50. From that moment on, you'll pay the monthly price associated with that bouquet. The old bouquet is cleaned for a new customer - completely circular.

*Please note: rentals are currently available in North Holland (excl Texel), South Holland, Utrecht, and West Brabant. One-off purchases are available in all of the Netherlands and the rest of Europe.

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Hotel chic


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