Rent the highest quality silk flowersSwap whenever you want • Free delivery

Got questions? We've got answers.


How do bouquet rentals work?

It's easy! 4 quick steps et voilà:

1. Choose your bouquet
Select your favorite bouquet - with or without matching vase. Are you unsure which bouquet would look best in your interior? Email a photo to and we'll be happy to help.

2. Place your order
Once you've placed your order, our master florist gets to work. All our bouquets are arranged by him - in the vase of your choice or beautifully wrapped without a vase.

3. Enjoy your blooms
The pre-arranged bouquet is delivered to your home. You pay a fixed amount per month and can keep the flowers as long as you want. Enjoy!

4. Swap your bouquet for a new one
Ready for a new look? Choose a new bouquet and we will create and deliver it for a fixed fee of €17.50. From that moment on, you'll pay the monthly price associated with that bouquet. The old bouquet is cleaned for a new customer - completely circular.

Please note that rentals are currently available in North Holland (excl Texel), South Holland, Utrecht, and West Brabant. One-off purchases are available in all of the Netherlands and the rest of Europe.

Can I also purchase a bouquet instead of renting one?

Yes. We do recommend renting as we often hear that people love changing it up vs. being “stuck” with one bouquet. But of course, everything is for sale ;) You’ll find the ‘Buy’ button on the product pages of our bouquets.

Can I choose to buy the bouquet I am currently renting?

Yes, you can. If you want to buy the bouquet you're currently renting, we will give you the rental amount you've paid so far as a discount. Just just email us at to receive your personal discount code.

How often do your collections change?

Our collections are updated and replenished 4 times a year, based on the season. We also offer a base collection that is always available, no matter the season.

The current collections are a good indication of the types of bouquets we will offer in the future - the collections will continue to grow and vary.

Is there a minimum rental period?

Yes, our minimum rental period is 3 months - this only holds for your first rental bouquet. After that, you can cancel anytime.

How can I cancel my bouquet rental?

You can easily cancel your rental through your personal account on the website. We have a 3-month minimum rental period, after that you can cancel anytime.

If you cancel your rental, we will make an appointment to come and pick up the bouquet within two weeks.

Delivery & returns

How will my bouquet be delivered?

We always ensure your flowers arrive in perfect condition.

Within our core delivery area (North-Holland, South-Holland, Utrecht & West-Brabant), we offer our own Bloom & Wolf white glove delivery service. To reduce our climate footprint, we do not box our flowers. On the day of delivery, one of our drivers will arrive at your home. You can choose to have him or her place the bouquet in your home or leave it at the door - whichever you prefer. Our delivery staff wears gloves to avoid any staining on the vases while handling them.

Outside of our core delivery area, we deliver by regular parcel service. Only one-time purchases (not rentals) are available outside of our delivery area.

What if I don’t like my bouquet?

We promise that receiving our bouquets is a delight. So if something isn’t 100% perfect, our team will go above and beyond to help you. Please contact us at and we’ll make sure to swap it for a bouquet of your choice.

What if my bouquet is damaged upon arrival?

We promise that receiving our bouquets is a delight. So if something isn’t 100% perfect, our team will go above and beyond to help you. If your bouquet is damaged, please contact us at and we’ll make sure to swap it for a new bouquet.

What if my bouquet gets damaged in my home?

Life happens! If you accidentally damage your bouquet or vase, please contact us at, and we’ll come to a solution.


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept IDEAL and Creditcard. If you’d prefer a different payment method, please contact us at and we’ll try to get it added.

When will my first payment be deducted from my account?

The first payment period for a rental is paid in advance upon checkout in our shop. Your rental period starts on the date the bouquet is delivered. From then onwards, the amount will be deducted from your account automatically. 


Are fresh-cut flowers bad for the planet?

Fresh-cut flowers have a substantial climate footprint. There are various factors at play. Most significant is the energy that goes into the intensive farming of fresh flowers. Greenhouses and refrigerated transportation cause large amounts of carbon emissions. Furthermore, flowers demand a lot of water and pesticides in order to keep them fresh and beautiful. For example, a single rose needs about 12 liters of water and a multitude of pesticides.

Why are silk flowers a better choice for the planet?

We don’t claim that faux flowers are perfect, but they are much less damaging to the environment than fresh-cut flowers. They demand less water, no pesticides, and cause substantially fewer carbon emissions. About 85 times less, to be specific. And most importantly, they last much, much longer (and by that we mean: they outlast most relationships. That much longer). And our rental model is circular, of course!


Where are the flowers produced?

We are perfectionists, so we only select the best flowers available on the market. Our suppliers are all over Europe, where we handpick the best flowers each season.

Do they look like real flowers?

We are perfectionists, so we only select the best flowers available on the market. Our suppliers are all over Europe, where we handpick the best flowers each season.

What about the smell? I love the smell of flowers so much.

Bloom & Wolf flowers smell wonderful, which makes for a product of the very highest quality. With your order, you will receive a small diffuser with our scent, which you can spray onto the flowers every ±2 weeks for an optimal experience.

Can I order a bouquet without a vase?

Absolutely. We recommend ordering a bouquet including its matching vase, because our master florist carefully designs each object with a particular vase in mind. That said, of course, you can order the bouquet without vase if you'd like to match it with your own vase.

Should I clean the flowers?

If you're renting a bouquet, you do not have to clean the flowers. Before the bouquet arrives at your home we carefully clean it with compressed air, after which it will last a long time. Should you still want to clean it (or if you purchased the bouquet), you can do so carefully with a hair dryer on the low, cold setting, or with a feather duster.

Can I add water to the vase?

No, please do not add water. As all our vases are (semi) opaque it is not noticeable that there is no water in the vase.

Does the bouquet look exactly as it does in the photo?

There may be small variations in our bouquets, but the photos give a good indication of the bouquet you will receive at home.

Business Membership

What business memberships do you offer?

Our business memberships offer 3 bouquet sizes: Petit, Classic, and Masterpiece. Each membership comes with various flower arrangements to choose from - our collections will grow as we will add new bouquets every season. The exact dimensions of each bouquet are different, but as a rule of thumb:

  • Petit (small)
    The ideal addition to give your smaller spaces some extra atmosphere. Perfect for small dinner tables, sitting areas, desks, and washrooms.

  • Classic (medium/large)
    Guaranteed to make an impact, these bouquets will become the focal point of any reception desk, concierge table, central seating room, or meeting space.

  • Masterpiece (Extra Large)
    These awe-inspiring arrangements add a dose of atmosphere and character to a large reception desk, welcome room, hall, or boardroom.

How do business memberships work?

It’s easy! Three quick steps and voila:

  1. Select a membership: Miniature, Classic, or Masterpiece. Depending on your style and space.

  2. Choose how often you’d like to swap your bouquet: every 1, 2, or 3 months.

  3. Select the bouquet you wish to start your membership with.

From here we take care of the rest. We offer a free white glove service to deliver and set up the bouquet in your business. Together we will find the best spot and make sure the arrangement looks perfect. 

We will happily choose your next bouquet for you, unless you'd like to choose yourself (then just email us at We will deliver at a time of your convenience. During the swap we will take the old bouquet back with us, so no hassle with packages or couriers. 

Can I switch between business memberships?

Yes - you’re in charge. You can size up or down at any point.

If you'd like to change your membership type, just send us a note at and we'll take care of it for you.

Can I cancel my business membership?

Of course! Log into your account page to cancel your membership. You can do this anytime, after your first payment period has ended. If you cancel, we will arrange a pick-up for your bouquet, and no further charges will be deducted from your account.

Can I choose which bouquet I will receive next?

Definitely! Most businesses prefer us to do the choosing (zero hassle for you!), but if you'd like to choose your next bouquet yourself, just email us at and we'll take care of it.

Can I also purchase a bouquet instead of renting one?

Yes. We do recommend renting as we often hear that people love changing it up vs. being “stuck” with one bouquet. But of course, everything is for sale ;) You’ll find the ‘Buy’ button on the product pages of our bouquets.

Can I choose to buy the bouquet I am currently renting?

Yes, you can. If you want to buy the bouquet you're currently renting, we will give you the rental amount you've paid so far as a discount. Just just email us at to receive your personal discount code.

How often do your collections change?

Our collections are updated and replenished 4 times a year, based on the season. We also offer a base collection that is always available, no matter the season.

The current collections are a good indication of the types of bouquets we will offer in the future - the collections will continue to grow and vary.

Our silk bouquets


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